Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Big "B" - Wedding Budget Matters

So here comes the planning for our big day. And in every wedding plans, the actual execution needs money.

When Keith and I started setting our budgets for the wedding, we admit we really started from scratch. We knew what we wanted but where to start and how is another story.

Keith and I are blessed that for almost 7 years journey of our life, we were able to join Light of Jesus Community and attend The Feast in PICC every sunday. Through it, we were able to slowly change our mindset of How To be Truly Rich. Inch by Inch, we were able to practice saving, setting budgets, be positive and open in looking for income streams and so on. Thanks to our mentor Bro. Bo Sanchez and The Truly Rich Club ( TrulyRichClub.com - Do You Want to Gain Financial Wealth and Spiritual Abundance at the Same Time?)

With a positive attitude we got from Truly Rich Club and guidance from our W@W Wedding Primer (get your own wedding primer and inquire through mail@weddingsatwork.com) , we are glad to follow these guideposts in setting our budget for the Wedding:

1. We must set a realistic budget that we both can save for. -because we do not want to be wed in debts. Our marriage is more important than the wedding itself and we want also to save some for our start up too. Still, we want it to be memorable not only for us but for our family too. We want them to experience our wedding as how Keith and I are happy with our relationship.We ,first arranged each of our personal budgets. then we became honest in sharing what is comfortable for both of us to set aside for the wedding. With that amount, we computed that it would take almost 2years to gather up all the expense we need plus our start up. We took this time as a practice for us to save and manage our money before our marriage.

2. We attended Bridal Fairs and Read Supplier Reviews and Posts in W@W - Keith and I believe in research, because we admit, sometimes prepping gets overwhelming for us at times. Attending Bridal Fairs helped us compare prices and get a picture of how to deal with our future best friends -- suppliers. W@Wies are also generous to share Peso Power and their own review for their suppliers.
3. Determine number of our guests and be realistic - most of the suppliers already asks, how many are your guests? So we decided that we must have the #of guests. We decided to go with 120pax only. we wanted it to be intimate and of course, lower guests means lower expenses hehe.

4. Set our priorities to book -  We list down all the bookings we need to do -- Church, Photo/Video, Venue, Caterer, Flowers etc.. and we list the percentage we set for each item. total of 100% multiplied to our total budget. Then we got the budget for each item.

5. Enjoy and Keep Learning - Money matters is a sensitive topic it challenges trust between partners. Keith and I hopes for guidance everyday and do our best to see the learning we can get from each problem we meet. For example, we wanted a particular supplier but adding these supplier will incur additional costs for us. We make it a teamwork to discuss with ourselves like "pros and cons", "how can we afford it?" or "is it a must-have or nice to have"?

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I don't know where to put a comment but I saw your blog over at W@W and I decided to visit it. I must say your story inspired me. You were realistic, patient and persistent in making your dream wedding come true. Even if it took you years (?) to save up for it. I am actually contemplating about cancelling the wedding on January and then I read your blog. I'm torn. LOL. :)
