Our Love Story


Most of times the best comes when you least expect it.

Each year, a leadership seminar is given to student leaders in PLM. Keith and Cookie were among the few who were given an opportunity to attend the 3-day Seminar held in Baguio in 2006. They came from two different colleges, Keith was a JMA president while Cookie is a student officer in MassComm Guild. 

Keith is a strict student leader who most people looked up to and fondly calls "Kuya Keith". Keith likes to stay low profile and wants to be focused in leading JMA and finishing Marketing succefully that year. Cookie is an active 3rd yr student and joins almost all extra curricular activities - cheering, student officer in college and club, theater even their college volleyball. People always tease her as "Ms. Energetica" for being such a happy-go-lucky girl.  

Accomodation every seminar usually groups 3-4 students per room, all girls or all boys. Cookie saw the list posted outside her assigned bedroom, expecting to see 3 other roomates. But was surprised to see only 2. "Sino kaya si Keith Nicole? kawawa naman sya, baka di natuloy dito sa seminar (who could Keith Nicole be? pity, she may have not push through attending the seminar)" she thought to herself. And push the thought off her head.

Keith was surprised to see that his name was on the girls list. He asked the organizer to be with another all-boys group.

During the seminar, Cookie noticed a chinky-eyed boy named Keno. She thinks Keno is cute and wanted to know this guy. Cookie, quirky and fun loving, asks her classmate Joseph (who she fondly calls Milkofriend), to tease her to Keno just to get his attention. To which Joseph and the other people who attended the seminar did. But the truth is, Cookie held herself back. She says to herself "yes Keno is cute, but I know this will only be as good as its here in Baguio.. just something that will make others laugh i guess.. I mean who am I that this guy would like right? Get back to earth Cookie!"

Keith chose "Keno" as his nickname during the seminar so that he will stay "low profile" as possible. Even chose to go with quiet guys and say a little. He was surprised when Joseph from MassCom was teasing a girl named Cookie to him. Cookie joined a fashion show as workshop in their seminar. Keith noticed her instantly and finds her funny and cute especially when she is being teased or asked to give a corny pick up line.  Secretly he became interested with knowing Cookie more.

After the seminar, Keith asked Joseph for Cookie's number. Keith, admittedly not much of a "text" fan, had to buy a sim just to be able to text Cookie. So he texted her, introducing himself as Keno. Cookie was surprised seeing Keno's text. With kilig and at the same time nervous feeling, she replied. This started their endless conversations through text and call, meeting up during lunch  or breaks from their respective activities for their college. In one conversation, Cookie raised how the seminar was really happy experience. She also mentioned  to Keno of a roomate that was supposed to be her roomate. Keno laughed and with big smile on his face admitted "Ako yun.. Ako si Keith Nicole"


Keith and Cookie's relationship had gone through ups and downs. What kept them together was they are both easy to forgive of each other's diffrences.They were also happy that through God's guidance, through hearing God's word from attending the Feast in Valle Verde led by Bro. Bo Sanchez (now in PICC), joining Singles for Christ and the support of their families and friends who stuck through even when they were in the roughs made their relationship stronger each day.

In 2011, Keith was working as a Med Rep, when he was awarded as a travel incentive to Hongkong. He asked Cookie to accompany him. Keith planned for months to ask Cookie during the trip. But he realized that he still has no budget to buy the ring.

After the trip, Cookie and Keith enjoyed the Disneyland so much and had a hangover. They decided to go to Enchanted Kingdom just to have "that feel" again. While riding the __ Keith asked Cookie "Mahal mo ako?", Cookie answered with a big smile on her face "Oo naman." Keith got Cookie's hand and placed the ring on Cookie's fingers and said "Pakasal na tayo!"  Cookie said "Yes!" and laughed while tears of joy well up her eyes.


Sa hinaba haba man ng prosesyon, sa simbahan din ang tuloy

Yes.. it was a long preparation for the Cookie and Keith but the process of planning and preparing for wedding but they believe that this phase is a gift from God to know and appreciate each other well, making them ready for the most important relationship of their life soon.. their marriage.

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