Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Taking Charge of our Finances.. Early

Keith and I are inspired by Bro. Bo Sanchez' preaching and books for almost 4 years now. Ever since we attended his Truly Rich Seminar in AFP in September 2009. Now, every Sunday we go to The Feast PICC  to get refreshed and renewed. What we like about the talks is that it is very practical. For me, it has given me "new lenses" on how to love God. It became easy for me to serve Him thru my everyday life -- being grateful for my family and friends, serving others thru my job, giving ourselves into service and just seeing Him thru every trial and successes of daily life. 

One thing that Keith and I have tried to follow for years now are the practical steps that Bro. Bo shared regarding our finances : 

1.Tithe (10% of income)- it was revolutionary for us. Personally at first I was not comfortable with this. In my mind, I still need the money. I can still buy things or food for my fancy and so on. But Keith and I took the challenge when Bro. Bo shared about Matthew 6:21 (NIV) For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also", that when we Tithe, we allow God and we show Him that He is our treasure. That all of the opportunities and blessings we receive are from Him. 

2. Simplify - gosh! This has always been my downfall.. before :) I am a confessed impulsive buyer. Credit cards then were my best friend. after almost 4 years of working, I realized I was not able to save! :( Now Keith and I took it to heart. Now we are doing our best to clean up our records and start saving up. 

This is the inspiration where Keith and I decided that our wedding should be simple yet elegant on the details. If we could manage DIY's just to save up, we would. We started doing budget timeline. At this early, we try to simplify our spendings for example instead of watching a movie every week, we spend a day in either in their house or ours just to watch dvd's or TV.

It's not easy really, but we start with baby steps. Like Bro. Bo always reminds us that habits are powerful and starting early, makes us a winner. 



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